The place to go for cancer fighters
Find financial, encouraging, and prayerful support.
“The emotional recovery is almost as bad as the physical recovery. A positive thing like this could make one of those tough days just that much easier.” -Sharon
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CSS is here to ensure no one faces the cancer journey alone. Learn how we can help you.
Volunteer with CSS
It’s easy to get involved, and you can volunteer from anywhere in the nation.
Request a Tote
Lydia Totes provide items to support your cancer journey, and are always free of charge.
Daksha Chudgar Lydia House
Geographical distances often become barriers to completing cancer treatment. The Daksha Chudgar Lydia House's lodging service is saving lives.
The Lydia Project TOtes
Lydia Totes provide supportive items and are always free of charge to any woman, anywhere, who is currently undergoing treatment for any type of cancer.
Read Inspiring Tribute to Dr. Bipin Chudgar
Dr. Chudgar’s generosity and love for others were renowned. He supported many really good causes in Augusta; however, his true love was supporting CSS’ Lydia Project.